IAM District 751

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Evolution of Paid Holidays “Nothing Was a Gift” flyers are designed to help members understand how each contract provides building blocks for a stronger future and contract language evoles over time. One thing is certain, nothing we have was a gift from the Company. Each word and clause was hard fought with solidarity from those who came before us.
Boeing first introduced progression in the 1968 contract. Progression is something our Union has continually sought to improve and reduce the time it takes for members to reach maximum pay. Over the years depending on the strength of the membership during negotiations, it has been give or take on this issue. We continue to push Boeing to reduce the time it takes to reach the maximum in current meetings. However, to date, they have not been interested in any positive changes.
Cost-of-living Adjustments (COLA) are an important part of the economic package of our contract with Boeing. COLA is designed to help protect your paycheck from losing ground to inflation. Without COLA, if our pay stays the same when prices rise for essentials, our standard of living and purchasing power would be less.
Evolution of COLArev1221a.pdf
Nothing Was a Gift March 1st 2018 - Evolution of Overtime District 751 members at Boeing have some of the best overtime language in the country! It didn't happen overnight and Boeing didn't just freely give this benefit. Click the picture to see the evolution of the overtime language we have today.
Evolution of OT 0618.pdf
Nothing Was a Gift February 6th 2017 - Right to Work - What Is It? There is a whole narrative on what it is, but I’ll give you the short version.  Working people in "Right to Work" states do not have to pay dues to their union yet still receive all the wages, benefits and working conditions a union has negotiated "as a condition of employment".
Nothing Was A Gift January 17th 2018 - Strike of 1989 This was a 48 day strike - Members in the Puget Sound area were at 43,000 and if you added Wichita (who were also included in the Corporate wide agreement) that number was 57,800 IAM members going on strike. Major issue was forced overtime. The Company could work you to death and they did. 12 hour days, 7 days a week for weeks.

Page Last Updated: Nov 09, 2020 (15:19:09)
IAM District 751
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Seattle, WA 98108
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