Committee Information |
Human Rights Committee |
District 751's Human Rights Committee meets the second Monday of every month at 4:30pm at the South Park union hall 9125 15th Place South in the library. The delegates to the 1976 IAM Grand Lodge Convention adopted a resolution which requires specific actions to be taken at all levels of our Union to ensure that all IAM members enjoy equal opportunities and freedom from (harassment) discrimination regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex. It is every employee’s right to work in an environment free from discrimination and includes the right to seek appropriate remedies for actions which may not be specifically covered by the contract or formal grievance procedures. If you feel you have been harassed or discriminated against, the following steps should be taken when reporting your problem.
Contact: Richard Jackson |
Labor History Committee |
The Labor History Committee meets at 2:00 pm on the second Thursday of every month. The Labor History Committee provides education through various means to District 751 members on the relevance of Labor History to today’s labor struggles. We bring labor history alive in today’s world through displays and photos at the union halls, articles in the Aero Mechanic, reports at local lodge meetings, participation in District 751 conferences, and we discuss a different topic from labor history at each of our meetings for our own education. The committee produces oral history videos of past District 751 leaders and retirees that can be viewed on the 751 Labor History web page. We archived the complete set of Aero Mechanic newspapers at the Labor Archives at UW and made them available on line at the District 751 web site. We maintain a close working relationship with the Pacific Northwest Labor History Association (PNLHA), the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at UW, and the Labor Archives at UW. The Labor History Committee also participates in the following:
Meet the Labor History Committee here |
Contact: Tom Lux |
Machinists Volunteer Program (MVP) Committee |
The main Machinists Volunteer Program Committee meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month following District Council meetings. They go over upcoming projects and discuss new projects for our volunteers and their families to participate in. All members are welcomed to attend any MVP Committee meeting or contact us if you need help for a community project. High School Students can recieve a letter from us for their participation in any of our community service events to fullfill their graduation requirements for community service. Wheelchair Ramps - Our volunteer ramp crews build temporary structures on site in just a couple hours. Providing mobility for anyone who needs one. Adopt-A-Road Program - North and South site locations. Sidewalks and grassy areas are cleaned up and maintained several times a year. Feeding the Homeless - Rescue Mission in Tacoma. Volunteers help cook breakfast on the 2nd and 4th weekends of the month. Registration on the mission web site ( is required before volunteering the first time. A reply can take about a week. Northwest Harvest - The second Wednesday of the month our volunteers help sort food at the Kent warehouse from 5 to7 p.m.. We also do annual Northwest Harvest events such as the KING 5 Northwest Harvest Food Drive in December and the end of the year warehouse food sorting event. Salvation Army - Annual Toy and Joy Event at CenturyLink Event Center. Toys for Tots - Near the end of the year our volunteers assist with toy pick up and distribution at the Toys for Tots location in Everett. There are many more projects too numerous to list. A monthly calendar is sent out to be posted on union bulletin boards and provides additional information about each month's events. |
Contact: Milly Salas |
Women's Committee |
The 751 Women’s Committee was established: To foster women into leadership roles within our union To promote awareness on unique issues surrounding women and working families. To promote women’s involvement and recognition at all levels in the union. To unite members for the purpose of addressing their concerns and issues in the workplace To educate, recognize, develop and serve as advocates for women in the union The District 751's Women's Committee meets every 3rd Monday of the month 3p.m. at the South Park union hall 9125 15th Place South. Co-Chair - Kim Gifford at |
Contact: Kim Gifford or Heather Barstow, |