Today, Monday, March 23, Boeing announced a temporary 14-day suspension of Puget Sound and Moses Lake operations, with operations being reduced and the suspension completed over the next few days. Through our discussions, the company has committed to pay wages for 10 workdays during that period. Details are still being formulated, and we will communicate the specifics as they are known.
Additionally, we want to notify you that a union brother and union steward in Everett has sadly passed away and family members have publicly stated it is from the COVID-19 virus. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family. This devastating fact adds to an already deteriorating situation.
During this COVID-19 pandemic impacting our members, the citizens of Washington State and the world, we support this action and hope this will reduce the rate of infection within our membership at work and in the community at large.
We continue to work with the Employment Security Department and the Governor’s office on details of how those members in high risk categories based on their age or underlying health conditions will have the opportunity to stay home from work and be provided unemployment insurance benefits to protect themselves and their families at home.
More information and details to come.
751 Member Communications